
The New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes is unavailable, but you can change that!

After His resurrection, Jesus met Cleopas and another disciple on the Road to Emmaus and explained to them everything the Old Testament said about Himself. To understand the Old Testament themes that were fulfilled in Jesus, we need to understand Old Testament thought. F. F. Bruce reveals the context of the New Testament writers’ understanding of the Old Testament by focusing on seven Old...

Testament witness to God: “election and covenant, rejection and restoration, Heilsgeschichte, creation, and providence, the way of life and the way of death”.44 He went on to say that “if all the copies of the Old Testament were lost or destroyed, any scholar who could remember the text of the Psalms would have at his disposal the essential materials for an Old Testament theology; for the Psalter is, in a sense, the first of all Old Testament theologies”45—not systematized, but singable. And when
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